This is Oreo's friend, Isobel. Isobel is an old cat that never grew out of her kitten body. She has a pink nose and is very cute all over. Sometimes Isobel sleeps on her heating pad. Krissy thinks it is hers, silly Krissy.
From @civilwarmatron |
Sometimes Isobel goes outside and walks around. She likes to hide in the leaves in the big garden and nap. She thinks that is just fine. Isobel does not like being cold. In the winter Isobel will trade the leaves for the heating pad.
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While Isobel is sleeping in the leaves, her roommate Sylvester finds a place to do his business. Sylvester does most of his business outside now, because he was not doing it in the litter box before. Sylvester is outside in the fence yard a lot of the time. He likes it because there are so many things to sniff, like flowers and a tree.
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Sylvester has a thick fur coat. Maybe he will like being outside this winter. Isobel will stick with her heating pad. Sylvester named his new sled Rosebud after he did his business on it. He named it that because he likes the movie Citizen Kane. He also likes Isobel's nose, which looks like a rosebud to him. Isobel will have nothing to do with him and his advances though. Maybe in the winter he can ride his sled over the tall fence to sniff the other side.
I love it! This is a very accurate story. Although, Sylvester actually roams the neighborhood now. He has a cat shelter and he chases other outdoor cats away from his lair. He also sleeps in side at night. Presently, he is mad at me because I cut the fur by his butt-hole because he keeps getting diarrhea on it and he smells.